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Cookie Notice
Last Updated: October 22, 2022
This Notice describes how MAD20 Technologies Inc. (“MAD20”) uses cookies and tracking technologies on this website, https://mad20.io. Like many companies, MAD20 uses “cookies,” which are small data files that can be sent to your web browser and stored on your computer. Cookies that MAD20 sets are first-party cookies. Cookies that we allow others to set are called third-party cookies. MAD20 uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. Cookies and other tracking technologies, also help us to provide you with a personalized experience and enable us to improve website performance.
Cookie Settings
MAD20 Uses the Following Types of Cookies on this Website
Strictly Necessary Cookies
These cookies are required to provide content that allows the website to function. We process this information to identify visitors to our site, to authenticate site administrators, to set visitor preferences, to help complete forms, and for security purposes.
Marketing Cookies
These non-essential cookies are used to personalize our website content and the advertisements you may see. We use these cookies to understand and measure the effectiveness of our marketing efforts. These cookies are enabled by default. To enable or disable our use of these cookies, please use our cookie banner for cookie settings.
MAD20 uses HubSpot and Microsoft Advertising (formerly known as Bing Ads) to track the usage and activity of visitors who use this site. This information helps our marketing and analytics efforts. HubSpot and Microsoft Advertising provide us information, such as IP addresses, button or content clicks, and downloads.
Performance and Functionality Cookies
These cookies allow us to analyze traffic on the site so that we can measure and improve website performance. Like marketing cookies, these cookies are enabled by default. To enable or disable our use of these cookies, please use our cookie banner for cookie settings.
MAD20 uses Google Analytics® to measure how users interact with website content. As users navigate between web pages, Google Analytics provides us data, such as applicable URLs, time of visit, time spent on each webpage, type of browser, and type of operating system. With this information, MAD20 creates, designs, and updates content based on our user interests. In addition, Google Analytics collects indirectly identifiable information, such as users’ IP addresses, unique IDs, and client IDs. Users who do not want their indirectly identifiable information collected during their visit to our website may opt-out of the Google Analytics tracking service at https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/ or keep performance cookies disabled through our cookie settings.
MAD20 uses Google Maps to visually display geographic locations of MAD20 public events and geographic locations of users in relation to the events. Google Maps collects indirectly identifiable information, such as users’ IP addresses.
MAD20 uses LinkedIn and Twitter to authenticate users and allow them to share MAD20 articles, press releases, and other content from this site. LinkedIn and Twitter collect social media account login information, such as user IDs and passwords.
MAD20 uses YouTube to promote MAD20 activity, using audio visuals, and evaluate the effectiveness of MAD20 content. As users interact with the video content, YouTube provides us information about user activity and user preferences and interests. In addition, we receive data analytics on the number of users who have watched our videos and their locations. With this information, MAD20 creates, designs, and updates content based on our user interests.
Your Consent
We use performance and marketing cookies on our website. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. To enable or disable our use of performance and marketing cookies, please use our cookie banner for cookie settings.
You also may be able to block cookies by activating browser settings that allow you to automatically refuse the placement of cookies. If you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including our strictly necessary cookies), you may not be able to access all or parts of our website.
Recipients of Your Information
We share information about your use of our website with our analytics partners and analysts who may combine this information with other data that you provide to them or that they have otherwise collected through your use of their services elsewhere.
You may refer to our Privacy Policy for additional information about our use of third-party services.
Cookies and similar technologies exist for different periods of time, depending on their purpose. For example, a session cookie that enables our website to operate, will only exist on your device while you browse our website, but other cookies will remain on your device for longer, such as some performance cookies, which need to stay on your device so that the website can recognize you when you return.
We update this Notice from time to time for accuracy as our use of cookies may change. The last updated date at the top of this Notice will tell you when we last made changes.
For more information about how we process your personal data, including personal data collected from cookies, please refer to our website Privacy Policy.
For further information about this Notice or our use of cookies, you may contact us at admin@mad20.io.